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Sydney's Highest Speed Date

  • Wednesday February 15th 2012
  • Sydney Tower Eye

STE KOALA 15 Resize

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For Valentine's Day 14 of Sydney's finest singles took part in Australia's highest speed date on the Sydney Tower Eye SKYWALK.

Seven guys and seven girls from Australia's largest online dating site, RSVP, enjoyed five minutes of each other's time whilst enjoying stunning views across their hometown of Sydney.

Questions were asked, glances were shared and flirtatious laughter was well under way. After the seven dates were complete on the outdoor SKYWALK, each hopeful participant mingled on the Observation Deck to find out more about their dates, and some even exchanged numbers.

RSVP speed daters searched for their true love match while soaking up breathtaking 360° views of the stunning Sydney skyline. "When I saw the opportunity to take part in Sydney's highest speed date on Valentine's Day, I couldn't resist. It's certainly something I won't forget and maybe I'll even find a love interest from it - you just never know!" said one of the RSVP speed daters.

Melanie Dudgeon, RSVP spokesperson, believes it doesn't get much more romantic than looking for love while gazing out across Sydney's iconic skyline. "At RSVP, we often suggest people choose activities or interesting venues for first dates - and soaking up breathtaking views of Sydney on the SKYWALK is certainly memorable and romantic. Being up here on a date gives you so much to look at and talk about. You'll never be left struggling through an awkward silence."

Kristy Enright, Sydney Tower Eye spokesperson said, "The views from the Sydney Tower Eye provide the perfect backdrop for a date. I actually couldn't think of a better way to celebrate Valentine's Day. Admiring our city's beautiful skyline with a loved one is so romantic and we're excited to see if any love blossoms for the speed daters today."

Book your SKYWALK!
